Recover From Your Injury With the Compensation You Deserve

A workplace injury can significantly alter your daily life since you need time to recover. While your recovery can be straightforward if your employer has worker’s compensation, the process becomes much more complicated if they don’t.

If they have worker’s compensation, you’ll file a claim through their insurance to pay your medical bills and lost wages. If they don’t, you may need to file a personal injury claim to get the compensation you need to make a full recovery.

With a personal injury claim, you can go back to work when you’re healed, not when you need money to pay bills.

Filing a workplace injury claim can be difficult, but Darren Grant and Matt Flannery make the process easy and understandable. As experienced workplace accident attorneys for Forney, TX, we handle all the details of your case so you can focus on recovering.

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Board-Certified Work-Related Injury Lawyers in Forney, TX

Darren Grant and Matt Flannery are board-certified personal injury lawyers who have fought to get East Texans like you the compensation they deserve for their workplace injury.

We walk you through the entire process and ensure you get the support you need from the initial injury to the final settlement.

Talk to our experienced legal professionals about the details of your case in a free consultation.

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What Should I Expect from a Work Injury Lawyer in Forney, TX

A workplace injury means you need time to recover. But if you’re feeling pressure to return before you’ve fully healed, you may need to consult with a personal injury lawyer.

Our legal team makes the process easy. When we take on your case, we do everything to build a solid foundation, including:

If your injury is due to your employer’s mistake or neglect, we’ll negotiate with them on your behalf. But if they aren’t willing to cooperate, we’ll file a lawsuit against them.

Common Workplace Accidents Where You Can File a Lawsuit

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How Can a Lawyer for Work Injury in Forney Help?

When you experience a workplace injury, you have to deal with several problems beyond recovering, including medical bills, lost wages, and potentially permanent injury or disability.

That’s a lot to manage on your own. But, thankfully, you don’t have to.

Grant and Flanery get you the compensation you need for a full recovery. We specialize in workplace accidents, fighting on your behalf while you concentrate on getting back to normal.

We’re here to get you compensation for:

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Worker’s Comp Claim vs. Personal Injury Claim

If your employer has worker’s compensation insurance, you should be able to file a claim through their insurance following a workplace injury. This is often the best option since it helps prevent any strain on your relationship with your employer.

However, if your employer doesn’t have worker’s compensation, your situation can become more complicated, particularly if they refuse to cover your medical bills or lost wages.

In such cases, you may need to file a personal injury claim to secure the compensation you deserve.

As experienced personal injury lawyers in Forney, TX, Grant & Flanery are here to help guide you through the best steps to take.

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Schedule a No-Cost Consultation with a Work Accident Lawyer in Forney, TX

If you’re recovering from a workplace injury and worried about how you’re going to pay your bills, schedule a free consultation with Grant and Flanery.

Find peace of mind and get the compensation you deserve with our team of legal professionals.

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