Get Justice After Your Loved One’s Death

There is no experience more difficult than losing a loved one. It’s a catastrophic event that changes your life forever.

Once you lose a loved one, it’s easy to simply live in the present–not thinking about the future at all.

However, eventually, you have to consider how you’ll go forward. That’s what Grant and Flanery is here to help with. We’ll fight to get compensation for your loved one’s death.

Nothing can bring back your loved one. No compensation will ever truly replace having your loved ones here with you. The best you can do is seek compensation for your loss with the help of Grant and Flanery.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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Board-Certified Wrongful Death Attorneys in Canton, TX

Darren Grant and Matt Flanery are board-certified personal injury lawyers. They’ve been fighting to get East Texans the justice they deserve since 2006.

Both Grand and Flanery bring extensive professional experience to your case, and our whole team is dedicated to helping you receive justice.

If your loved one was taken from you due to someone else’s negligence, contact our office to schedule a consultation. We’ll fight for justice.

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What is a “Wrongful Death?”

Not all deaths, of course, are wrongful ones.

Wrongful death suits are for deaths due to someone else’s negligence. If your loved one was killed because of someone else’s mistake, you may have a wrongful death case.

What is a Wrongful Death Claim?

Wrongful death claims are a type of personal injury lawsuit. Just like personal injury cases, these are filed in civil court, and filed by one of the surviving relatives.

What Happens When Filing a Wrongful Death Claim?

Start by hiring an experienced personal injury attorney. That attorney will represent you throughout the process, pursuing the person or entity responsible for your loved one’s wrongful death.

Can File a Wrongful Death Claim?

In Texas, only spouses and children of the deceased may file a wrongful death claim. Children must be over 18 to file a claim.

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Types of Wrongful Death Cases

Workplace Accidents

Not all workplace deaths are wrongful ones. However, if the employer was negligent in some way, you may have a wrongful death case.

Vehicle Accidentals

If your loved one was killed in a car accident where the other person is responsible, you’ll be able to file a wrongful death suit for both financial and non-financial damages.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents

The number of pedestrians and cyclists hit by vehicles continues to rise. If your loved one was killed when walking or biking, you may be able to file a wrongful death suit.

Premise Liability Accidents

Texas property owners bear responsibility to ensure their property is safe. If they have neglected to do that and it resulted in the death of your loved one, you may be able to file a claim.

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Damages You Can Pursue

You can pursue both economic and non-economic damages in all personal liability suits.

Economic Damages

These are every cost that can be calculated monetarily. Including:

Non-Economic Damages

Though it isn’t a direct monetary cost, you can still receive compensation for these:

Wrongful Death Lawyers in the Canton, TX, Area

If a loved one was taken from you because of someone else’s negligence, the legal team at the Law Offices of Grant and Flanery will fight for you.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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